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Second Kid








Cooper George, born June 29th, 2008, at a luxurious 10 am on a Sunday morning.  It was a scheduled c-section and Casey and I drove to the hospital in his convertible, gospel music blaring, and the sun on our faces.  I literally walked into the operation room, hopped into the table and said, “Let’s have this baby!”

His delivery was so easy, he’s spending the next few years making up for it by keeping me on my toes…


Cooper is a hoot, and is talks so well it’s odd for someone so small.  He spent all of last winter calling me “Marie.”  “Yes, Marie!” he will shout with glee.  That, along with “Bombs on the way!” when he’s about to sling something across the room, are his favorite phrases.  He knows every single car by name from the movie Cars, and knows everything about them.  He even lines them up when we play games and makes sure they all get a turn.




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